Hey hey guys!
I really hope at least a feeeew of you know the band Bring me the Horizon!! If so: I'm freaking proud! If not: what are you still doing on this site, go on youtube!! Well the important thing today is not the band (sigh), but their lead singer: Oli Sykes.. and his fashion label: DROP DEAD. When I found out about DROP DEAD, I was aaabsolutely (I can't even find a word to describe it) well, let's call it a mixture between fan girling and being the happiest girl ever! Haha, yes, I can do fangirling too, I just need the right band for it! Whatever, I couldn't keep myself from ordering as soon as I had scrolled through the entire site for at least a gazillion times!! I got a few things and today I would like to present you: my favourite of these items: the "dark hand kimono". Even though it's not a basic or an every day jacket, I could wear it forever, just because it's so damn great (and not only because it's been designed by Oli)! Something I find really handy about it, is that it's so much easier to style than expected! Personally, I think you can wear it with pants as well as with a skirt or a dress. The only thing I try to avoid is everything with a pattern, because the kimono is patterned enough, but if anyone does succeed in combining it with something patterned, feel free to let me know!
And... Quick comment about the post: when we took the photos, we did so with my camera (and took only a few with my phone); as soon as I got home, and had backed them up on my laptop (and wisely deleted the originals) THEY WERE GONE. Well done technology and thanks a lot once again! So now I only have the ones I had on my phone. *leaves the room sobbing*

T-shirt: ZARA / Pants: Light Before Dark / Kimono: DROP DEAD / Shoes: Bronx / Bag: TOPSHOP / Necklace: Vanessa Mooney / Ring: Bijoux Brigitte

x Sophie.